Join A Kilimanjaro Group Climb
Learn more about group tours what they are all about and embark on a group adventure with us.

Trusted Tour Company in Tanzania. See our reviews here.

Why Kilimanjaro Group Climbs ?

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a challenging endeavor, especially for beginners. Thats why, whenever the opportunity arises, it is highly recommended to embark on this journey with others. Joining a group climb not only offers cost-saving benefits compared to a solo expedition but also provides the invaluable camaraderie and support of fellow climbers.

Lauwo Adventures offers an excellent option for group climbs, which is highly recommended for a rewarding experience. Alternatively, you can explore the available group climbs on our website and secure your spot. In the event that the scheduled group climbs do not align with your preferred dates, we have a convenient solution. Simply provide us with your details through the form here, and Lauwo will promptly notify you as soon as a group climb that meets your specifications becomes available.

Reserve a Group Climb

Advantages of Group Climbs

  • High record of sucess rates
  • You get to meet new people and perharps eve make lifelong friends
  • Cheap.The bigger the no of people, the lesser the cost
  • We always have a balanced guide client ration

Disadvantages of Group Climbs

While group tours do give out a feeling of carmaradie, one may sometmes feel they are not getting eough private time.It also gets a little awkward (but it shall pass) if you are a solo traveller amongs a group of friends